Do not let your life be ruined by a bad arrest or wrongful prosecution. You do not need to pay thousands of dollars to hire a Texas expungement attorney to fill out your forms and answer a few routine questions for you to seal or expunge your criminal records. Our expungement and record seal eligibility tests offer easy to understand, step-by-step instructions to determine if you are eligible to take advantage of the expungement or record seal process to erase your blemished past. We will walk you through the legal nuances and procedures so that you can file your Texas expungement forms on your own.
The sooner you start your expungement in Texas, the sooner you can start living with the peace of mind that a mistake from your past will not come back to haunt you in the future. Criminal arrest records can be revealed in security background checks, employment applications, professional license applications and renewals, loan requests and even residential lease applications. Erase your criminal record today!
Texas Expungement Eligibility Test
Expunction (or expungement) is the process by which you can have arrests and criminal charges completely removed from your past record. Eligibility for expungement in Texas is restricted to cases where there was no finding of guilt. A deferred adjudication, also known as a deferred prosecution, will often deny an individual the opportunity to pursue expunction. However, there are exceptions for certain offenses.
Don’t you owe it to yourself to find out if you can get rid of that permanent reminder of a temporary situation? Order our Texas expungement eligibility test today and learn if you can restore your reputation. Our eligibility test is included free of charge with our Texas expungement forms package.
Texas Record-Seal Eligibility Test
People who are not eligible for expungement may still be eligible to file a Petition for Nondisclosure Order. This Order has the legal effect of sealing your criminal records to virtually everyone other than other law enforcement agencies. Find out today if you fit the criteria to apply for a record seal.
Clean Your Criminal Record
Record seals and non-disclosure orders are simple and affordable on every budget. No lawyer is required to take all the necessary steps to clean your record. You can do it yourself by simply following our easy instructions and completing the forms. We explain all the legalities in simple, easy-to-understand English so that you are empowered to handle the matter discreetly on your own.
If you run into problems with the Texas expungement or record seal procedure, contact one of our attorneys today for assistance. With these boutique advisory services, you can be on your way to a happy future clean of the minor indiscretions of your past.
What do you have to lose from a Texas expungement other than a black mark on your past? Contact us today and get started on the road to a clean record.
Expungement Eligibility Test
Determine whether you are eligible for an expunction
of your criminal records by ordering our Expunction Eligibility
Current legislative update is included in these forms - August 2012.
Record Seal Eligibility Test
Determine whether you are eligible for a petition
for non-disclosure (i.e. sealing your criminal records)
by ordering our Record Seal Eligibility Test.
Current legislative update is included in these forms - August 2012.